The End is in Sight

After a break I settled to finish the novel, as I approached the end I realised that I had written several chapters in a “Flashback” and whilst it worked whilst I was writing it when it came to tying the ends up, I realised I would have to shift it all into chronological order. Then I have to revise it, an another chapter and edit it before it goes for “ebook” formatting. The idea of the “Flashback” was good, and might work in another format. Thankfully we have “Cut and Paste” so it only took a morning to sort it out.

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Official photograph was taken by Stuart Franklin, former President of Magnum Photos, and world renown for his photograph of the “Tank Man in Tianamen Square”, which has been listed in the top forty of the most powerful photographs ever taken. He is a friend and fellow Leonard Cohen fan. His work can be seen at