Thinking of Change

I have decided to split the ending of my book. I have written the final chapter but as I now approach it I think I need to put some other points in.

In my local supermarket this morning it was stocked floor to ceiling with Dan Brown’s latest novel “Inferno” the critics have not been kind, but he has sold 200 million books made $100 and Mr. Hanks will make both of them a few more million dollars for a film. Should he worry?

I was thinking about the movie “The Eagle has Landed” 1976, after I saw it I read the book by Jack Higgins and thoroughly enjoyed it. I then read several others of his back catalogue which I think were reprinted on the success of the film. What I remember even though it was nearly forty years ago was the plot he used which I don’t think I encountered in anything else I’ve read. He would have a group, one of whom was a traitor, then the location would move from one country to another. This worked in isolation, but when you read four or five in a row the plot became predictable and the “traitor” identifiable. This probably happens a lot either sub consciously or by design but this was the one I remember.

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Official photograph was taken by Stuart Franklin, former President of Magnum Photos, and world renown for his photograph of the “Tank Man in Tianamen Square”, which has been listed in the top forty of the most powerful photographs ever taken. He is a friend and fellow Leonard Cohen fan. His work can be seen at